
New Business Member - What's the Buzz Coffee Co.

A great big WELCOME to our newest business member: What's the Buzz Coffee Company!

Both a farmer's market member and a local business, What's the Buzz Coffee Company is owned and operated by John Flynn and his team of coffee experts bringing locally-roasted coffees to the Brazos Valley which include both fair trade and organic coffees.

Welcome to the Friends of the Brazos Valley Farmers' Market, John!


St. Patty's Day Celebration a Great Success

Another great big THANKS to everyone who participated in the St. Patty's Day Event. A couple vendors have told me it was our best event yet!

We had a steady lot of customers and had a lot of fun, not to mention raised $62 for the Friends of the Brazos Valley Farmers' Market. Thank you!

So many volunteers and vendors were generous with their time and donations to the raffle. Here's how things turned out:

Grand Prize Basket (donations by Tanya Miller, Mark and Terry Newman, Marjorie Beeler, David Elsik, Roger Burton, and Barbara Lorraine) - Virginia Koran, winner

St Patty's Day Cake (donated by Karen Jozwiak) - Roger Burton, winner

Tie Die T-shirt and Vegan shirt (donated by Sara of Wild Type Ranch and Thomas Liberty, local designer) - Amy Decker, winner

Spring Baby Blanket (donated by Helen Wise) - Hona Backstrom, winner

Irish Baby Blanket (donated by Helen Wise) - Leigh Anee Sheets

More coming soon on our next event: Spring Event (Saturday April 3, 2010).