
FBVFM Needs Your Help!

In only 4 months of activity, the Friends of the Brazos Valley Farmers' Market volunteer group has grown more quickly that my wildest imagination. We have a lot going on and a steady supply of requests for more.

We've grown to a point where I can no longer manage it alone. We need a core management team (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairs, etc). None of these positions is officially filled. Please let me know if you would like to be part of this core team. Once I have your names gathered, we'll get together and talk about who can do what jobs, set up committees, and make the initial Officer appointments. I'm currently working on a list of all the "Friends" are doing right now to make it easier for others to start taking over some of my current responsibilities. 

Thanks for your help in making this a thriving organization so early in it's inception.